January 27, 2023

NplusT was featured on the 68th issue of HiPEAC magazine with an article on the 2nd FTTE project POP-LEC, for the optimization of the power consumption of CPS/ IoT devices, developed in the SMART4ALL H2020 framework and currently in its advanced industrialization stage.

Tamás Kerekes, president and CEO of NplusT, explains how the the company teamed up with Hungarian design house PCB Design to build the equipment prototype.

The complete issue is available at this link.

July 1, 2022

NplusT participated at the HiPEAC 2022 conference, held in Budapest, Hungary, June 20-22.

Tamás Kerekes presented the paper “POP-LEC Power Optimization of Low Energy Computing Devices before Prototyping”, at the workshop “SMART4ALL – Capacity Building among European Stakeholders”. POP-LEC is a running project funded by the SMART4ALL program FTTE 2nd Call, the technology transfer targeting an innovative product which helps IoT developers to accelerate their time to market. The partner company in this technology transfer is PCB Design, Hungary. The presentation can be viewed at this link.

The conference offered also the possibility to present a poster related to the previously executed HS-CHAR project, supported by the TETRAMAX program.

March 5, 2019

NplusT took part in the TETRAMAX poster session held at the 2020 edition of HiPEAC, the main European forum for experts in computer architecture, programming models, compilers and operating systems for embedded and general-purpose systems, attracting over 500 delegates each year.

The poster session showcased the projects funded in the framework of the European “Smart Anything Everywhere (SAE)” initiative, in the domain of customized low energy computing (CLEC) for CPS and the IoT, including the “HS-CHAR: High Speed Characterization of Mass Storage Devices” technology transfer project carried out by NplusT and PCB Design and devilered in December 2019.

The results of the “HSCHAR” project contributed to upgrade NplusT’s technology for NAND characterization, paving the way for the forthcoming release of NanoCycler High Speed, the best-in-class and most cost effective solution for the exploration of the NAND memories.

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